vol.8, no.1, (March 2002)




Giancarlo Corsi is researcher at the University of Lecce (Italy). He studied political sciences in Bologna and obtained a doctorate in sociology in Bielefeld (Germany). Recent publications include: Ridescrivere la Questione Meridionale (Pensa 1998), with Raffaele De Giorgi; ‘Ein Symbol für eine unbekannte Zukunft‘, in: Theodor Bardmann, Dirk Baecker (Eds), Gibt es eigentlich den Berliner Zoo noch?“ Erinnerungen an Niklas Luhmann (UVK Konstanz, 1999); ‚Zwischen Irritation und Indifferenz: Systemtheoretischen Anregungen für die Pädagogik‘, in: Henk De Berg, Johannes Schmidt (Eds), Rezeption und Reflexion. Zur Resonanz der Systemtheorie Niklas Luhmanns ausserhalb der Soziologie (Suhrkamp, 2000).

Takis Fotopoulos is  a writer and the editor of Democracy and Nature; he is also a columnist for the Athens Daily Eleftherotypia. He was previously (1969-1989) Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of North London. He is the author of Towards An Inclusive Democracy  (London & New York: Cassell, 1997) which was also published in  German, Italian, Spanish and Greek and will shortly appear in French. He is also the author of several books in Greek (Dependent Development; The Gulf War; The Neo-Liberal Consensus; The New World Order; Drugs; The New Order in the Balkans; Religion, Autonomy and Democracy; From the Athenian Democracy to Inclusive Democracy and Globalisationn, the Left and Inclusive Democracy). Apart from his numerous writings in D&N and other journals, he has also made several contributions to French, German, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian and Greek publications.

Guido Galafassi is teaching Social Theory at the University of Quilmes, Argentina, and works as a Researcher at CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Techniques Research). He is the coordinator of an International Researcher Network on Development, Nature and Society, and the editor of Theomai Journal, Society, Nature and Development Studies. He is also member of the International Advisory Board of Democracy & Nature and Problemas del Desarrollo. He has published numerous articles and two books (in Spanish) on the ecological and social problems in Latin America and on Social Theory. He is currently deepening his critique of social and economic thought in a book on the ideas of progress and nature in modernity.

Arran Gare is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Cultural Inquiry, Swinburne University, Australia. His research focusses on the problem of how to transform culture to create a radically new, environmentally sustainable, social order. He has published widely on Bogdanov, Needham, the metaphysical foundations of the sciences, human ecology, social and cultural theory and political philosophy, and is the author of  a number of books, including “Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis” (London: Routledge, 1995) and “Nihilism Inc.: Environmental Destruction and the Metaphysics of Sustainability” (Sydney: Eco-Logical Press, 1996).

Alexandros Gezerlis is  assistant editor  of  Democracy  &  Nature and editor of the Greek journal Inclusive Democracy.  He  is  currently studying  Electrical  and  Computer  Engineering  at  the  National  Technical  University  of  Athens, while  his  main  research  interests  lie  in  the  field  of  theoretical  Physics.  He  is  a  political  activist  and  has contributed to D&N and also to  various  Greek libertarian  journals.

Thomas S. Martin teaches history and philosophy at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio.  He is the author of five books (on the American Revolution and on the philosophy of history), and has published many articles in historical journals and the alternative press.

Ted Trainer is a lecturer in the School of Social Work, University of New South Wales.  His main interests have been global problems, sustainability issues, radical critiques of the economy, alternative social forms and the transition to them.  He has written numerous books and articles on these topics, including, The Conserver Society; Alternatives for Sustainability, London, Zed, 1995, Saving the Environment; What It Will Take, Sydney, University of N.S.W Press, 1998, and What Should We Do?, (In press).  He is also developing Pigface Point, an alternative lifestyle educational site near Sydney, and a website,

Iain Watson was awarded his doctorate on ‘Politics and Resistance in International Relations’ from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. He is currently a Teaching Associate at the University of Durham and he has taught at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and the University of Northumbria. His work has been published in Global Society. Co-authored work has been published in New Political Economy, Review of International Political Economy and more recently in B.K.Gills ed., (2000) Globalization and the Politics of Resistance (Macmillan), M Ebata and B Neufeld eds., (2000) Confronting the Political in International Relations (Macmillan) and R Higgott and A Payne eds., (2000) The New Political Economy of Globalization (Edward Elgar). He has work forthcoming in Geopolitics and a forthcoming book Rethinking the Politics of Globalization: Theory, Concepts and Strategy (Ashgate 2002).