Update: 18.04.2018 (n)

Articles by Takis Fotopoulos published in


The International Journal of INCLUSIVE DEMOCRACY

A theoretical journal published by the International Network for Inclusive Democracy

Vol. 14 (2018) coming out later this year

(17.04.2018) The aims of the criminal bombing of Syria by the Transnational Elite and globalization - also @ Global Research (18.04.2018)


Vol. 13, Nos. 1/2 (Winter-Summer 2017)

(05.05.2017) The systematic effort of the Transnational Elite to crush the ‘Brexit revolution’: From Brexit and Trump to Le Pen


(12.03.2017) The crisis of the ideology of neoliberal globalization



Vol. 12, Nos. 1/2 (Winter-Summer 2016)

(21.12.2016) The revolution of the victims of globalization in the USA and the massive counter-attack 


(05.11.2016) A Brexit-style revolution in the USA? - also @ Global Research (06.11.2016)


(20.07.2016) Brexit revolution and counter-revolution (updated version) - also @ Global Research (10.07.2017)


(27.05.2016) Austrian Elections, Globalization, the Massive Rise of Neo-Nationalism and the Bankruptcy of the Left - also @ Global Research (26.05.2016)


(01.05.2016) What is at stake in the British Referendum - also @ Global Research (29.04.2016)


(10.04.2016) Brexit, Globalization and the Bankruptcy of the Globalist "Left" - also @ Global Research (08.04.2016)


(19.02.2016) DIEM25: A Manifesto for Democratizing Europe or for Perpetuating the  EU  Elites’  Domination  of the European  Peoples? — Towards a Democratic Community of Sovereign Nations  - also @ Global Research (19.02.2016)


Vol. 11, Nos. 1/2 (Winter-Summer 2015)

(06.11.2015) The downing of the Russian plane and the military intervention in Syria


(02.10.2015) The sell-out of Greece by SYRIZA and the bankruptcy of the globalist “Left” - also @ Global Research (02.10.2015)


(01.05.2015) Are austerity policies the problem or is it Neoliberal globalization?


(10.04.2015) Tsipras wasted a potentially golden opportunity for Greece in Moscow


(26.02.015) Takis Fotopoulos and Galina Tichinskaya, Is there a way out of the crisis within EU? The case of Greece (Edited transcript of Galina Tichinskaya’s interview with Takis Fotopoulos for Pravda.ru (26.02.2015).)  See also Takis Fotopoulos' Video Interview with Pravda : Greece: between Scylla and the Eurozone (26.02.2015)


(28.02.2015) The bankruptcy of Syriza and of the globalist “Left”


(13.02.2015) Minsk 2: Victory for the Transnational Elite in Ukraine?


(04.02.2015) Syriza’s climbdown or the end of the Left’s dream - also @ Global Research (06.02.2015)


(01.02.2015) A major turning point in Greece for better or worse (2ND EDITION) (This is an expanded version, in view of new developments, of the article:  A major turning point in Greece for better or worse (29.01.2015). - also @ Global Research (30.01.2015)

(19.01.2015) Left mythology and neoliberal globalization: Syriza and Podemos

(12.01.2015) How the Transnational Elite created Islamic Terrorism

(22.12.2014) The Russian options in the face of the Transnational Elite's frontal attack


Vol. 10, Nos. 1/2 (Winter-Summer 2014)

(15.12.2014) The Myths about the New World Order

(06.12.2014) Economic warfare the main Western weapon

(27.11.2014) Globalization, Russia and the Left

(20.11.2014) Russia at the crossroads - also @ Global Research (21.11.2014)

(14.11.2014) Democracy, the internet and freedom of speech

(03.11.2014) Towards a new Democratic World Order

(27.10.2014) Oil economic warfare and self-reliance (Articles from TF's weekly column) - also @ Global Research (08.12.2014)

(20.10.2014) Τhe Transnational Elite and the NWO as conspiracies - also @ Global Research (28.10.2014)

(13.10.2014) The real objectives of the Transnational Elite in Syria (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(06.10.2014) BRICS and the myth of the multipolar world

(29.09.2014) Transnational Terrorism (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(22.09.2014) Scotland and the myth of independence within the EU (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(17.09.2014) Syria Next and the Islamist bogeyman (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(11.09.2014) NATO and planned "chaos" in the NWO (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(31.08.2014) Russia, the Eurasian Union and the Transnational Elite

(25.08.2014) The new “growth” economy of the New World Order (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(18.08.2014) The Russian embargo and the Ukrainian “coup from below” (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(12.08.2014) The imperative need for popular fronts of national and social liberation in the globalization era

(06.08.2014) The Zionist Brutalization Within the New World Order and the Need for a United Multi-national and Multicultural State (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(27.07.2014) Obama and the Ideology of Globalization (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(20.07.2014) The new Transnational Elite and Zionist massacres (Articles from TF's weekly column)

(11.07.2014) The completion of Iraq’s destruction by the Transnational Elite and the role of ISIS (Articles from TF's weekly column)




Vol. 9, Nos. 1/2 (Winter-Summer2013)

Rise of a new fascism or bankruptcy of the Old Left? Or, how the anti-EU movement spread all over Europe...apart from Ukraine  PDF 


The real causes of the catastrophic crisis in Greece and the “Left”   PDF  - also @ Global Research (17.10.2015)

The Italian slap to the transnational elite, Greece and global governance   PDF 


Vol. 8, Nos. 1/2 (Winter-Summer 2012)

The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic “democracy” in Egypt as part of the New World Order  PDF

Vol. 7, No. 2/3 (Summer/Autumn 2011)

The Insurrection of the English Underclass  PDF  

Disaster theories and the crisis: the peak oil case  PDF  

Vol. 7, No. 1 (Winter/Spring 2011)

The Pseudo-Revolution in Libya and the Degenerate Left : Part I : The Pseudo-Revolution in Libya  PDF  Part II : The Role of the Degenerate “Left”  PDF

Greece: The myth of the revival of classical democracy in Athens  PDF

Vol. 6, No. 2/3 (Spring/Summer 2010)

THE BARCELONA TALKS (two talks by Takis Fotopoulos on the occasion of the CNT centenary celebration) : Inclusive Democracy as a political project for a new libertarian synthesis  PDF  The transition to an Inclusive Democracy  PDF

The Zionist attack against the international resistance to the New World Order and the Libertarian Left - A proposal for the liberation of Palestine from Zionism and religious fundamentalism  PDF 

Beyond the Market Economy and Statist Planning: Towards Democratic Planning as part of a Confederal Inclusive Democracy PDF

THE CRISIS IN SOUTHERN EUROPE AND THE EUROZONE : The Latin-Americanization of Greece and the lessons for the European South  PDF   Greece: the transnational elite’s “one way street”   PDF  

Vol. 6, No. 1 (Winter 2010)

Greece: The implosion of the systemic crisis  PDF

Towards a Democratic Liberatory Ethics: A restatement  PDF

Iran: The campaign for regime change in its last phase  PDF

The systemic nature of swine flu  PDF

Vol. 5, No. 2 (Spring 2009)

The “new world order” hype and the new version of social-liberalism   PDF 

The Crime of the Zionists and the Transnational Elite and the Stand of the Left   PDF 

A systemic crisis in Greece   PDF 

Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 2008)

The myths about the economic crisis, the reformist Left and economic Democracy  PDF

Systemic aspects of academic repression in the New World Order  PDF

Transnational elite and Russia: a new bipolar world?  PDF

Is sustainable development compatible with present globalisation? The Chinese Case  PDF

Vol. 4, No. 3 (July 2008)

The New World Order in Action: From Kosovo to Tibet  PDF

The European Peoples’ Volcano and the Representative “Democracy” of the Elites  PDF 

The “nakba” (catastrophe) and Zionist mythology  PDF

May ’68 demystified  PDF

Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 2008)

On the Crisis of Modernity and of the Antisystemic Movements –The Need for A New Liberatory Society  PDF  Mika Pekkola's Interview with Takis Fotopoulos

The autonomy project and Inclusive Democracy: a critical review of Castoriadis’ thought  PDF

The conquest of Speech by the media conglomerates  PDF 

The Virtual “democracy” of the Internet  PDF 

Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 2008)

Barry Seidman’s interview with T. Fotopoulos for the US radio program Equal Time for Freethought PDF

Values, The Dominant Social Paradigm and Neoliberal Globalisation  PDF

The credit crisis and the New World Order of capitalist “anarchy”  PDF  John Sargis & Takis Fotopoulos

The “elimination” of poverty  PDF

Vol. 3, No. 4 (October 2007)

Recent Theoretical Developments on the Inclusive Democracy Project  PDF

The price of “development” and the limitations of direct action  PDF

The deadly fires in Greece: a “tragedy” or the inevitable outcome of the criminal elites’ activities?  PDF

Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 2007)

The Deliberate Confusion Between the Legalisation and the De-criminalisation of Drugs  PDF

The Ecological Crisis as Part of the Present Multi-Dimensional Crisis and Inclusive Democracy  PDF

The Transnational Elite’s New “Model”  for the Middle East  PDF

Limiting the Damage: the Elites’ New Approach to the Drug Problem  PDF 

France Falls into Line with the Transnational Elite  PDF

Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 2007)

The Struggle Against the Privatisation of Education in Greece  PDF

The Myths of the Elites and the Reformist Left about the European Union  PDF

The Myths on the Ecological Crisis  PDF

General Attack in the Middle East  PDF

Vol. 3, No. 1 (January 2007)

Is de-growth compatible with a market economy?  PDF 

Middle East: "Democracy" in Action  PDF

The Significance of the assassination of Saddam by the New World Order  PDF

Islamophobia: the new anti-semitism  PDF

Latin America: the axis of hope vs. the axis of evil  PDF

Vol. 2, No. 4 (November 2006)

The London bombings and the myths on "terrorism"

An Interview on the London bombings and the tasks of the antisystemic movement today

The drift into parliamentary totalitarianism

From Social-Democracy to Social-Fascism

“Democracy” in the New World Order

The civil war as a means of imposing the New World Order

The “long war” and Islamophobia

Iran: The next target of the transnational elite

The Integration of Iraq into the New World Order through its Disintegration

The terrorists of the Middle East

The aim of the massacre: To crush any resistance

Zionism and the transnational elite

Lebanon: A victory against the New World Order?

The Middle East and the Left of 'equal distances'

New Orleans: the “normal” functioning of a system

Mass media and ideological globalisation

France: The revolt of the victims of neoliberal globalisation

The European Left and the myth of the European social model

Is another Europe possible?

An anti-capitalist Left in Latin America?

Milosevic and the distortion of the history of Yugoslavia's dismemembering

Hungary 1956-2006 and the Elites’ Propaganda

The ecological crisis on the verge of a catastrophe

Vol. 2, No. 3 (June 2006)

Inclusive Democracy as a way out of the present multi-dimensional crisis 

Human liberation vs. animal "liberation"  Takis Fotopoulos & John Sargis

Is the eco-village movement a solution or part of the problem?

Vol. 2,  No. 2 (January 2006)

Liberal and socialist "Democracies" versus Inclusive Democracy

Palestine: the hour of truth

Vol. 2, No. 1 (September 2005)

From (mis)education to Paideia

Vol. 1, No. 4 (July 2005)

The Myth of the Clash of Fundamentalisms

Iraq: the ballot box as a means of integration into the New World Order

The Ukrainian Crisis and the Transnational Elite

The Asian tsunami and the hecatombs of the “growth economy”

Kyoto and other tales

The Neoliberal Myths about Globalisation

UK elections: The collapse of neoliberal myths  

And now France: Neoliberal globalisation again under attack

Kerry and the Left

Lessons to be learned from the US Elections

Is the Left dead?  

The European Constitution and the Left

The Europeans peoples' fight against neoliberal capitalism and the Reformist Left

PARECON: Has the hour arrived for a WSF model?

Vol.1, No. 3 (May 2005)

The Inclusive Democracy project - A rejoinder

Addendum - The ID project and Social Ecology

Vol. 1, No. 2 (January 2005)

Participatory Economics (Parecon) and Inclusive Democracy


