The International Journal of


A theoretical journal published by the International Network for Inclusive Democracy

ISSN 1753-240X




Inclusive Democracy welcomes original contributions which, directly or indirectly, promote the  development of all aspects of the ID project (see OUR AIMS), ranging from radical politics and practical organization to historical analysis, philosophy, ecology, feminism, social theory, and cultural issues. We also welcome contributions which do not necessarily share the ID perspective, if they are considered by the editorial committee and the international referees associated with the journal to be of general interest and useful in promoting a fruitful discussion on important issues concerning the anti-systemic Left. We reserve the right to introduce any contributions with our comments, but will inform the authors about this.

Contributors should take into account the international readership of the journal and the fact that it consists of both academics as well as practitioners and activists. Articles should therefore be free from jargon and should be written as clearly and concisely as possible in a way that adequately takes into account the need to explain local contexts in sufficient detail.

The Editorial Committee will attempt to respond to all prospective writers within three months of submission, although the international nature of our board can at times cause delays.

Submissions: All submissions and reviews must be in English and the notes should be marked in parenthesis and be listed in the end.

Length of contributions:
An article should  not exceed 10,000 words. All submissions should be submitted by em
ail to [email protected]. They must be accompanied by a brief biography of no more than 100 words, which should include current and recent academic or other affiliations, together with a list of major publications and forthcoming books. Authors have a right to reply to editorial comments on their articles but their replies should not exceed 500 words, or the length of the original editorial comment and their replies will be published in the issue following the publication of their contribution.

© The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy 2004-2015