Bleak Means: Palestinians are paying the price of being swindled again and again and again and again by American exceptionalism and Zionist terror.
The current war carried out by the foremost state sponsor of terror against Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank and the Lebanese civilians does not look to be ending soon particularly since the recent elevation of Zionist terror in the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah and Hezbollah’s top leadership and decimation of Hamas. This is all of a plan to carry out genocide in order to make Gaza Palestinian free and continue the theft of West Bank land and resources.
There is not any more a pretense of ethics. Traditional morality is beyond hypocrisy not bothering to hide what it has always been, a gigantic fraud! The United States unconditionally defends Israel’s right to existence and self-defense, yet the Palestinians have no right to self-defense self-determination living under the weapon-laden hand of Zionist terror.
Terror has become a strategy where the Zionist state’s secret service without warning exploded booby trapped pagers, two-way radios and other devices carried by Hezbollah members and civilians killing scores and injuring thousands. To the terrorists those killed were not fit to live. The murderous state of Israel continues to strike Hezbollah and Hamas strong holds regardless of innocent civilian casualties. Israeli citizens have renounced traditional values and adopted the context of terror, murder and theft upon which their behavior is matched. What war and terror will do to the Israelis is show them the absurdity of their lives and a price to be paid.
The US as Israel’s benefactor has the power to end Israeli terror by ending the pipeline of munitions, technology and billions of dollars. But the US will not hold back its lethal and monetary aid and will continue its complicity in war crimes. Israel is breaking US law by using 2,000-pound bunker busting bombs on civilians, but the Zionists play word games to justify civilian deaths—their favorite meme is Hamas “embeds itself in the civilian populace, so therefore it is ok to murder many civilians to kill one freedom fighter" (this is the same excuse the US used in Iraq and Afghanistan, and collateral damage is not a phrase used anymore to describe civilian deaths as its hypocrisy is too evident); furthermore, by withholding humanitarian aid destined for Gazans the Zionists are breaking US law and committing further war crimes. The dual national secretary of state Blinken ignores these war crimes. As a nation of laws, as the US likes to brag of its exceptionalism, the war of extermination will have to cease with US aid to Israel ending and Israelis held accountable for war crimes. So, the Zionist message is “we own you.” And they are not afraid of a wider war which it is bombing towards, since it can count on America having its back. American exceptionalism at its best!
Spurred on by American Zionist policy of rewarding Israel’s homicidal behavior cleansing Gaza of Palestinians, no country, the UN, or alliances can tell Netanyahu to stop or stand in his way extinguishing his blood thirsty rampage. The IDF is in a shooting gallery, but instead of shooting heroin to get high, the war addicts are shooting Palestinians for their high until there is no more resistance to Israel war crimes. There is no diplomatic solution to Israeli terror. De-escalation and ceasefire are pipe dreams and the war will not stop until Netanyahu, IDF, Mossad, etc. complete the Only Solution. Although Biden is a lame-duck until January 20, 2025 (Harris or Trump will continue Zionist policy), he will not stop supporting Israeli aggression until Gaza is Palestinian free. Netanyahu is hideous thinking he is right and therefore absolved of war crimes, because he has amputated Hamas and Hezbollah, and “restored the balance of power.”
The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy :