The International Journal
A quarterly journal published by the International Network for Inclusive Democracy
ISSN 1753-240X
Important Announcement
on the new format of the Journal & Newsletter
Dear Friends,
The present Journal (which succeeded Society & Nature / Democracy & Nature) and the accompanying Newsletter have just completed their first two years. The new online format has proved highly successful as shown by our visitor statistics which indicate a fivefold increase in the number of visitors to our site since the launching of the online Journal. Today, thousands of visitors from all over the world read the Journal and its Newsletter. The Editorial Committee, having experimented in the last couple of years on the frequency of publication of the Journal and its highly successful Newsletter, and having explored the possibilities of a better integration of the Journal with the Newsletter decided the following in order to offer our readers a greater choice of topics in an integrated format:
1. Integration of the Newsletter into a new format Journal that would stop the present differentiation between articles of pure theoretical nature (Journal) and of theoretical analysis of topical issues (Newsletter). The new format, which would cover both theoretical and topical issues, would appear early in January 2007.
2. The new format of the Journal will be published quarterly in January, April, July and October. Urgent topical issues will be covered by extra editions of the Journal, as part of the forthcoming quarterly issue. The four issues published in a year will constitute a volume and the issues already published will be integrated into a new system of numbering. Thus, issue No. 1 will now be Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 2004) and so on, i.e., Vol. 1, No. 2 (January 2005); Vol. 1, No. 3 (May 2005) plus the special issue of August 2005 and Vol. 2, No. 1 (September 2005); Vol. 2, No. 2 (January 2006); Vol. 2, No. 3 (June 2006).
3. There will be no more Newsletters until the publication of the new format Journal in January (Vol. 3, No. 1).
The Editorial Committee
November 2006
Newsletter # 41 (13-11-2006)
Newsletter # 40 (30-10-2006)
Newsletter # 39 (9-10-2006) Newsletter # 38 (4-9-2006) Newsletter # 37 (1-9-2006) Newsletter # 36 (23-8-2006) Newsletter # 35 (7-8-2006)
Newsletter # 34 (24-7-2006)
Newsletter # 33 (10-7-2006) Newsletter # 32 (14-6-2006) Newsletter # 31 (3-5-2006) Newsletter # 30 (18-4-2006) Newsletter # 29 (3-4-2006) Newsletter # 28 (20-3-2006) Newsletter # 27 (21-2-2006) Newsletter # 26 (7-2-2006) Newsletter # 25 (2-1-2006) Newsletter #24 (12-12-2005)
Newsletter #23 (14-11-2005)
Newsletter #22 (31-10-2005)
Newsletter #21 (17-10-2005)
Newsletter #20 (22-9-2005)
Newsletter #19 (10-9-2005)
Newsletter #18 (8-8-2005)
Newsletter #17 (22-7-2005)
Newsletter #16 (13-6-2005)
Newsletter #15 (28-5-2005)
Newsletter #14 (15-5-2005)
Newsletter #13 (25-4-2005)
Newsletter #12 (4-4-2005)
Newsletter #11 (21-3-2005)
Newsletter #10 (19-2-2005)
Newsletter #9 (7-2-2005)
Newsletter #8 (4-2-2005)
Newsletter #7 (7-1-2005)
Newsletter #6 (18-12-2004)
Newsletter #5 (27-11-2004)
Newsletter #4 (16-11-2004)
Newsletter #3 (1-11-2004)
Newsletter #2 (23-10-2004)
Newsletter #1 (15-09-2004)